Sunday, July 17, 2022



👌👌worth reading 

👌👌worthy sharing 

I woke up today , having dreamt early morning at 4 AM . ⏰ 


I was in the biggest Mall of  India looking to buy a pair of socks 🧦 and a neck tie. 👔

🚶🏻‍♂️As I walked in, I noticed a sweater with a price tag of RS 25,000 .

Next to the sweater were a pair of Jeans 👖for Rs.1,00,000 .

The socks 🧦 were Rs.15,000 ! 

And Tie 👔 for astonishing 20,000 /-_

👉I went looking for a salesperson and found one in the watch Dept.

 He was showing a man a Rs. 225/- Rolex watch. 🥸

I looked in the glass case and there was a 4 carat diamond ring 💍 also on sales for Rs.95/-🧐

Shocked I asked the salesperson "How could a Rolex watch sell for Rs.225/- ? ,and a cheap pair of socks sell for Rs. 15,000/-"?🤔

He said "Someone slid into the store last night and changed the price tag on everything ".🤪

👉👉"Everyone is confused , people are acting like they have lost their sense of value". 

💰 "They are willing to pay lots of money for things of little value ,and very little money for things of great value " 💵 

🤭"Its like they don't know what is really valuable and what's not " .

😥I hope we get the price tags back-on right soon ,I really pity , seeing people paying way too much for things of little value "

🥺I woke up startled & confused and thinking since then ...

👉👉Maybe our life is like this dream.

👉👉Maybe someone slid into our lives and the changed the price on everything.

 👉👉Maybe  they *marked up* the value of  competition, position, titles,  fame , promotion,  show-off , money and power !🤔

👉👉...And put a huge discount on the value of *Happiness , Family , Relationships, Peace of mind , Contentment , Love , Knowledge , Kindness  , Friendships*...🤔🤔

 👉Maybe We are all living this dream...

🥺*I hope...... this message will be a wake up call and we wake up,*

well in-time.

Have a great life ahead 🤝

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