Friday, December 9, 2022

Daily deit plan

  Daily deit plan

Take a liter of lukewarm water early in the morning this week.

*Day 1:* Take only lemon water with honey throughout the day.

*Day 2:* Take only fruit juices throughout the day (don't add any sugar or jaggery).

*Day 3:* Eat only fruits throughout the day.

*Day 4:*

Breakfast and dinner fruits only.

Lunch: Two pulka with raita.

*Day 5:*

Breakfast and dinner fruits only.

Lunch: Two pulkas with vegetable curry (without salt, chilli powder, oil)

*Day 6:*

Breakfast and dinner fruits only.

Lunch: A cup of brown rice with vegetable curry made with a very small amount of salt, chilli powder and oil.

*Day 7:*

Breakfast and dinner fruits only.

Lunch:  Kichidi with raita (use butter or ghee instead of oil in kichidi).

Drink as much water as possible throughout the day.

Eat as many fruits as you can in the morning and evening. Take any fruits that is available seasonally. It is better to consume more fruits which have high water content.

Tea, coffee, soft drinks, fridge water, meat, alcohol and smoking should be completely avoided during this week.

Do this once. Do it yourself again and again after seeing the result.

🌺🌹🌺   🌹🔥🌹   🌺🌹🌺

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