Wednesday, August 14, 2024

ALER Math Quiz Questions

 ALER Math Quiz Questions

1. Who is the Father of Mathematics?Answer: Archimedes

2. Who discovered Zero (0)?

Answer: Aryabhatta, 

3. What is the average of the first 50 natural numbers?

Answer: 25.5 

4. When is Pi Day celebrated around the world?

Answer: March 14

5. The value of Pi?Answer: 3.14159

6. Value of cos 360°?

Answer: 1

7. Angle greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees are called?

Answer: Reflex Angles

8. Scientist who was born on Pi Day?

Answer: Albert Einstein

9. Who discovered Pythagoras Theorem?

Answer: Pythagoras of Samos

10.  Who discovered the Symbol Infinity “∞”?

Answer: John Wallis

11. Father of Algebra?Answer: Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi (Persian Mathematician)

12. Who discovered Fibonacci Sequence?

Answer: Leonardo Pisano

13. Who discovered Logarithms and the Decimal point?

Answer: John Napier

14. Who invented the equals


Robert recorde

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